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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Church of Mushrooms?

The Church of Mushrooms is an interfaith entheogenic Church, focused on the spiritual use of psychedelic mushrooms. We believe that mushrooms are profoundly powerful tools for healing, transformation, connection, acceptance, and growth. 

What is the purpose of the Church of Mushrooms?

The purpose of the Church of Mushrooms is to provide a spiritual and religious community for those who seek to use mushrooms in a sacred context, as well as to promote research, education, and advocacy related to entheogenic mushrooms.

What are entheogens?

Entheogens are psychoactive substances that are used in a spiritual or religious context to induce altered states of consciousness and facilitate personal and/or spiritual growth.

Is the use of entheogens legal in the Church of Mushrooms?

The Church of Mushrooms operates within the legal frameworks of the jurisdictions in which it operates. Please visit the Legal Notice page for full details.

How do I become a member of the Church of Mushrooms?

Please visit our Membership page for full details.

Are there any risks or potential negative effects of participating in the sacramental use of mushrooms?

Like any psychoactive substance, psilocybin mushrooms carry some risks, including the potential for psychological distress, adverse physical reactions, and, in rare cases, psychotic episodes. However, when used in a controlled and safe environment, under the guidance of experienced facilitators, the risks are minimized.

How does the Church of Mushrooms support its members outside of ceremonies?

The Church of Mushrooms offers a variety of support services to its members, including counseling, spiritual guidance, and community outreach.

Does the Church of Mushrooms have any affiliations with other entheogenic or religious organizations?

The Church of Mushrooms has no affiliations with other entheogenic or religious organizations. However, members of all faiths and beliefs are welcome in our Church.

How does the Church of Mushrooms promote safety and harm reduction in its ceremonies?

The Church of Mushrooms promotes safety and harm reduction in its ceremonies by providing guidance and support for the safe and responsible ingestion of entheogenic mushrooms, accompanied by a facilitator if needed.

How does the Church of Mushrooms support the legalization and decriminalization of entheogens?

The Church of Mushrooms supports the legalization and decriminalization of entheogens for religious and/or therapeutic purposes through education and advocacy, in order to promote increased access to these substances for those who may benefit from them.

What is the role of mushrooms in the Church of Mushrooms?

Mushrooms are used as a sacrament in the religious ceremonies of the Church of Mushrooms, which are designed to facilitate spiritual growth, self-discovery, and healing.

Is the Church of Mushrooms a religion?

Yes, the Church of Mushrooms is a religion that uses entheogens as part of its religious practices.

Can anyone attend Church of Mushrooms events?

In most cases, attendance at Church of Mushroom events is limited to members of the Church or invited guests.

What is the Church of Mushrooms' stance on addiction and substance abuse?

Clinical trials have shown the use of psychedelic mushrooms to be virtually non-addictive. But the Church of Mushrooms recognizes the potential for addiction and substance abuse and advocates for responsible use of entheogens in a sacred and religious context.

Does the Church of Mushrooms advocate for the use of entheogens outside of religious or spiritual contexts?

The Church of Mushrooms does not advocate for the use of entheogens outside of religious or spiritual contexts, and encourages responsible use of these substances only in the context of its religious ceremonies.

What is the Church of Mushrooms' position on research and education related to entheogens?

The Church of Mushrooms supports research and education related to entheogens, and advocates for increased understanding and acceptance of these substances for their potential spiritual and therapeutic benefits.

How does the Church of Mushrooms address the potential for misuse or abuse of entheogens?

The Church of Mushrooms addresses the potential for misuse or abuse of entheogens by promoting responsible use in a sacred and religious context, and by providing support and resources for members who may be struggling with addiction or other substance-related issues.

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